did you say it? I heard you say it this Joy
we feel now busting out--it's enough! it's all
we need this sheer Joy of Being this Grace!
did you laugh it? I heard you laughing! Yes!
with such irresistible play your zany voice
drawing forth my own scandalous laughter--
a hilarity zinging from the Cosmic Big Bang!
no thoughts words or meanings just bliss
here now always this uncontainable bliss!
did you kiss me? I felt you kiss me kiss me
like the full moon kissed last night kiss me
how grass kisses each spring when it sprouts
did you sing the One Name birthing all names
our Secret Name which only silence knows?
yes you sang that Name our Holiest Name!
In these gloomy, stormy months of mid-January, we can let the weather's dreariness seep into our souls. But once we realize that the ultimate Source of our happiness, our Joy, is never outside us, but always and forever fountaining forth from the inmost core of our being--then we also know we have the power to return home to that Source whenever we choose. Such Joy is our birthright, the essence of what it means to be human, and Divine.
You're not here but everywhere there's only You
in the rhythm of my breathing now the grace of
Silence singing the dance of my fingers on keys
You're the Secret my scandalous inner child knows
that Cosmic Joy for which he willingly throws away
all his glitziest playthings even mimicries of love
You're my Clown's Face flipped on its ear laughing!
My Flash Gordon Decoder Ring a wild Jump Start
as my soul's dead battery recharges at forty below!
You're the Apple tossed up but not plunging down
the Ecstatic Maypole I cavort round like a holy fool
the Jigsaw Puzzle I'm boggled by can never solve
You're a Whiplash Windup on the pitcher's mound
that tasty Sweet Spot where my bat smacks the ball
the Sting of the line drive I just snared in my glove
You're Outrageous Bliss the Universe's Bull's-eye!
the Tickle the Giggling the Joke the Punchline!
inside outside upside downside there's only You
Where does God live, if not in every single moment of our lives. Experiencing Divine Presence means waking up, raising our consciousness, staying centered, savoring every instant. When we can do this, we realize that each sensation, each activity, each encounter, is Holy. When we can do this, then each breath we take is a prayer of gratitude, a psalm of praise!