you'll meet us first where your most tangled branches grow the greatest fear isn't of death but of the Unknown we're part of the Unknown you've yet to discover at the crux of your own being foray into that primal wilderness now where all your ghosts and shadows play there's someone waiting for you here who's not from your safe and familiar surroundings what if what you most deeply fear guards the secret of who you most truly are?
where is your real home? it's not a big mansion at the crossroad of two busy highways nor a penthouse atop a towering skyscraper your real home lies hidden away in a clearing in the forest of your innermost self it's a humble refuge where you meditate in solitude at the same time it's a hearth where you welcome both known and unknown guests we're among the unknown guests who seek to be known
just step out your door and the adventure begins turn any corner and you can't be certain who or what you'll meet even if you try to cleave to the seemingly secure and easy path sooner or later you'll find yourself knocked for a loop by the unpredictable--which never was under your control far better then to travel light and live bravely unafraid of mystery another name for this is "Miracle"
the soul sees so much clearer by starlight that's because it's the outer shining which most vividly reflects an inner Illumination grasp a rough branch with one hand but keep your other hand open and ready for any new encounter this way dwelling wide awake in both worlds you'll realize they're not separate they're One
we meet as if for the first time although we've always known each other amazing isn't it? that the strangest stranger should also be your closest friend across a billion light years yet not even spanning the tiniest hair's breadth we say "hello" but there's no separation apart is illusion Oneness is all
come nearer don't be afraid you're only encountering your own deepest highest vastest Self the journey of seeking finding knowing loving has spiraled outward to greater and greater inclusiveness now your consciousness expands encompassing the universe! here is your destiny created from the stars you're returning to the stars we reveal the wormhole opening to that destination
while a frightened child's locked in a dark closet she weeps he rages then a Friend finally comes unlocking the closet door and swinging it wide at first that child's blinded confused terrified but after a time the truth gradually dawns--liberation! so it is now with you you're still blinded by the Light but soon you'll understand It's the Beacon of your soul's freedom blazing brightly at last!
the whole story's changing radically inescapably everywhere the rigid deadening armor forged from fear hatred and cruelty is splintering and through each fissure and crack an Ocean of Light is seeping even pouring through! this Flood cannot be stopped transformation's inevitable we're its messengers we're your awakeners to the only Reality there is: One Is All All Are One You Are That We Are That