Wednesday, August 21, 2019


I    ARRIVAL   (Continued)


     vast is the sky above your head   but vaster by far the sky inside you--those wide-spreading expanses of your soul   learn to gaze up into that luminous sky   never shut yourself off from it  then you'll always be aware and ready when we arrive   this is the sky of your universal empathy  you have no boundaries there   you're meant to open outward forever

     don't be shuttered in your consciousness   repeating the perverse mantras of "me" and "mine"   and all other excuses for exclusion  these must dissolve now   their time and reasons are over   what does it mean to be a winged being?  it means to finally soar above any such distinctions to perceive an overarching unity--the seamless web of life which encompasses and transcends all differences

     navigating this inner sky   each UFO is identified and can make a safe landing   there are no strangers here   no aliens   it's as if a clear mirror is held up before you and everything you see in it becomes a reflection of your own eternal essence   we have become this   we are your wise soul companions   helping you to evolve to our dimension

     always stretch yourself   never be satisfied--even as you change and grow   reach beyond every constricting limit   how many jail their minds in a tiny cage   although they themselves possess the key to unlocking it and setting their vision free!   when you gaze at the unfettered sky above your head say to yourself: "that starry heaven is the counterpart of my own measureless Divinity"   we are your guides and teachers for this revelation   we are one with your innermost wholeness   catalysts for your self-realization



     soul and instinct aren't separate and divided  they dance together    one adding meaning and context to the other   so a corona of dark leaves is a stargate for the soul's manifestation   what begins in nature ends in spirit   what illuminates as spirit is realized in nature   examine a single leaf closely   with you full attention  remain quiet and centered while you ponder it   you'll discover an emblem for the infinite universe

     the deepest  most unconscious zone of your being is united with the highest  most inspired dimension   what fractures them into polar opposites is fear--putting grim survival before intimate communion   then walls rise up and connections break down   we are the messengers of transparent relationship   the path to both survival and transcendence leads through the revelation of "we together"   not the desolation of "me alone"

     your soul is the sexiest "organ" of your makeup   your body is the most soulful expression   identify with a tree and sense how its roots growing in the depths and its leaves on the heights function as one   everything's conscious   everything flows and links and intermingles   everything's passionately engaged with everything else!

      dreamers of dreams  now's the time to awake  doers of deeds  now's the hour to soar in your sleep   we bring news of your next becoming  we're the mystery knocking to be known   once you see with reborn eyes nothing exists that isn't holy   once you feel with a wide-open heart  there's no being you meet who's not another embodiment of yourself





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