Wednesday, October 2, 2019




why are we here? "I" self is over
"we" self has come   meant for all
not just us   we're the threshold
to Oneness   guides for embracing
what's real   only reality endures

let your heart no longer fixate on
"me" and "mine"--hurtful illusions
there's only "us" and "everyone's"
what locks you inside your head?
the lie that you exist apart  alone

one is all   all are one   we are that
we live whole without separation
such is the truth we beam to you
those who receive it will flourish
those who won't   cannot prevail

we're closer than your breathing
nearer than your coursing blood
attend carefully   you'll sense it
open wide your souls   you'll see
you are us   always   we are you

prophets   archangels   saviors
we're sent   now we've arrived
come to inspire   to wake in you
who our Cosmos wondrously is
one being   one love   one bliss!


                             THE FRIEND


     we're with you now   as ever   you need only wake to what's always been   there's a Third Eye beyond the two you see with every day   open That   there's a Third Ear beyond the two you hear with every day   open That   you swim in the Presence of All-That-Is as a fish swims in the ocean   wake now to this other Ocean   existence is consciousness   we are one with you there

     you struggle because you're still asleep   sleep too long and bad dreams come   there's a time for sleeping and a time for waking  we transmit your wake-up call   Presence is the Ocean you always swim in   but if you're oblivious you don't know its currents and tides   waves and swells   weathers and seasons   becoming conscious of these you realize you're always Home

     people search for us everywhere when we're already here--an intimate part of all who thirstily seek   messages are beamed to the farthest edge of the cosmos   but we've already arrived   who you fear as "alien" is already One with your innermost essence of being   dare to fling wide the most hidden gates of your soul!

     do you need a cosmic friend?   here we are  are you balked and  baffled by your own spiritual blindness?   let us teach and guide you   do you scramble around in the cage of your obsessing mind each day?   we know the secret to unlocking that cage   Presence is the only reality   It lives at the crosshairs where time and eternity meet  when a door opens in the darkness and Light streams through   the brave will enter and cross over   we signal through that doorway




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