Wednesday, July 31, 2019


                                                                                                                                   (c) 2018    Bob Savino

"There is a world beyond ours, a world
that is far away, nearby, and invisible...
That world talks. It has a language of its own.
I report what it says.

-- Maria Sabina  --
Mazatec Shaman


    The vision would not come clear. In my mind's eye I seemed to see something before me, hovering in midair. What was it? This went on for a few days. But then, without warning, it clicked. I was gazing out, in front of me, when I should have been looking up, directly over my head! Then the vision snapped into focus: it was a UFO descending, and my consciousness was the bull's-eye right beneath it.

     So, during August 2017, in sync with the total solar eclipse, I began a life-changing spiritual and creative odyssey that's culminated  in these channeled drawings, poems, and prose teachings. Along the way I started effectively meditating for the first time; encountered a totemic stray black cat named "Shadow"; further plumbed unhealed wounds from childhood trauma; became a vegetarian; psychically bonded with an Extraterrestrial Spirit Guide; joined an amazing Paradigm Shift Support Group, and underwent a wrenching, ecstatic past-life regression session. Indeed, a year to remember!

     I've been writing mystical poems for many years, but all from a first-person "I" point of view. Channeling has been a totally new and challenging experience. I liken it to balancing precariously on a high wire, one that's twanging over an abyss--without a safety net! Wiping the ego completely out of the way; yet remaining fully present and activated with all my skills as a writer; feeling utterly clueless when I face the blank computer screen; trying to download a meaning-laden Silence into transparent words--all this and more coalesced into the hardest writing project I've ever undertaken. And the most rewarding.

     If someone had told me less than two years ago that I'd soon be channeling Extraterrestrial Wisdom, I'd have good-naturedly laughed in their face. I encourage you to retain a healthy skepticism. At the same time, I invite you to keep an open mind as well. We're in the throes of a huge shift in human consciousness, a quantum leap in the evolution of our species! Individuals are waking to a new, deeper vibration of connection with each other at a soul level; to a wider sense of Oneness with all life, all being, our whole sentient planet, the infinite cosmos! And part of this waking is the realization that we're not alone. The universe is crowded with highly evolved spiritual beings--entities who communicate telepathically and traverse many dimensions beyond our humdrum, everyday awareness. Only our paranormal, non-ordinary awareness will perceive them.

     But whether or not you believe in Extraterrestrials, please take the time to view these drawings and read these words. If they chime deep within you; if they strike a chord you've longed to hear; if they help you to remember a spiritual wisdom you've always known; if they delight, irradiate and uplift your soul--let that be enough. Ultimately, all teaching which beams transforming Light emanates from One Eternal Source. And when we plumb our own psyches to the depths, we discover that this Source is the Universal Essence of who we all most magnificently Are.

     Although definitely non-linear, this work is a kind of mystical narrative, unfurling from the first companion artwork/poem--"Arrival"--to the last--"Departure." As such, I suggest exploring it sequentially, from the beginning to the end. I've found, both in the writing and the reading, that imbibing small, one-at-a-time doses of this concentrated Extraterrestrial Elixir seems best. Like all things intrinsically poetic, it most suffuses it's magic when slowly sipped and fully savored, like fine wine.

     I'm grateful beyond words for the privilege of channeling this higher wisdom from my Spirit Guides. May it illuminate your consciousness as piercingly as it has mine.



what's out there is in here   that first galaxy
birthed by the Big Bang whirls in your brain
so we fascinate   prodigies from the heavens
but also as mandalas   your innermost Light

we're keepers of the Flame   psychic guides
and cosmic channels to the Universal Source
we're always present   yet forever beginning
your still small secret voice of holy intuition

oneness   transparency   ecstatic communion
they wake in every undefeated seeker   we're
their beacon transfixing your consciousness--
Infinity's laser beam! Eternity's piercing eye!

we true your compass in this fractured world
then summon beyond   See! the Mother Ship's
arriving now   encircled by a corona of leaves
its portal gleams at the epicenter of your soul




   only one release valve opens beyond yourself   though there appear to be many   but these are illusions   only the wormhole at the center   the singing Light of your eternal soul   this is the hub of an invisible axle which turns the gigantic wheels of the galaxies  here's the secret your world has forgotten   we've come to help you remember   all polarities are reconciled there   all seeming contradictions resolved   we will teach you the liberating wisdom of paradox

    don't be afraid of little blisters   what does that mean?  sometimes a nagging discontent starts rubbing against your consciousness   but you ignore it   so eventually it raises a mental blister   creates a sore spot   that's us trying to get your attention  guiding you back to your intuitive core   when you come home there you'll see with infinite eyes   hear with infinite ears   know with infinite love

     you're not separate but one sacred thread of a wholeness without end   yet you live fractured   inside and out   that's because you no longer empty yourself of your self   you think you alone are the cat's meow and the dog's bow wow   this carves a hungry void inside where there should be Light-filled emptiness   surrender your preening self-regard   then you'll enter the Cosmos which waits to enter you

    don't you see the radiance?   doesn't every atom of your being gravitate There?   we're a focusing lens for your inner vision   your illuminated third eye   we're a cosmic tuning fork   vibrating to the Music of the Spheres   your loneliness is your refusal to welcome us   what's our UFO but your own alienated soul arriving now  waking in you a revelation of the Universe you already are



(To be continued, serially, each week, until the entire book is published on-line.)
