Tuesday, December 3, 2019


IV  JEWEL!  (Continued)


     as a tiny tropical island surrounded by seemingly endless leagues of ocean   so your Earth's but an infinitesimal speck spinning in the enormous glittering void   never forget this   all that gives life   then sustains it   you inherit and keep in trust   expand your vision   widen your perspective until you see transparently with our universal eyes   choose to explore  deepen  grow  evolve

     let your soul soar higher   you'll see farther  you'll discover how everything's part of everything else   you can't take a breath which doesn't somehow change you and your world   little is understood   much left to learn   start now   each new truth you discern is another starburst flaring awake in the vast void of your unknowing

     sacred is your Earth   sacred are you and every other being   sacred are mountains and forests  rivers and valleys   oceans and air   once you knew this but now you've forgotten   ancient wisdom cannot die   yet you and your planet surely will die if you don't remember   we come to remind you   Wake Up!   live and love once more with sacred wisdom before it's too late

     we weep inside   weep with the pain of knowing what you refuse to face   could you see yourself and your world as we do you'd weep too  such beauty   sacredness   meaning and purpose!  will you squander it all?   will you let the worst of you--the blindest harshest most selfish humans--beat down and crowd out the rest?   plunge your consciousness into the glittering void of your own subterranean depths   until both sides of your being finally merge into One



     we care about you and your planet   think of a cherishing hand   can you find a way as a species  as a global civilization   to live and flourish in the soul   by the soul   for the soul?   this has been the teaching of every messenger sent you from Source   now the next teaching from Source has come and we're Its messengers   will you receive the beacon of our inner presence?   will you wake from your deluding trance?

     two answers only exist although there may appear to be many--"yes" or "no"   if "yes" then you'll grow and prosper in harmony with the eternal Spirit of All-That-Is   if "no" then you'll continue to contaminate your planet until it becomes uninhabitable   neither money  technology  nor any other desperate fix will save you then   there's no more time   you must choose now

     if you planted and cared for a beautiful garden threatened by a killing blight   what would you do?   you'd spare no effort to discover the destructive cause and eradicate it   your planet is just such a beautiful garden   yet you continue to abuse and pollute her   you can't simply start another garden somewhere else   you must preserve the only sanctuary you have--your sacred Earth which alone nurtures and sustains you

     be wise with our wisdom   see clearer through our eyes   we signal from the innermost Essence of who you are   once you return Home again inside yourselves you'll know why and how to cherish your planetary home   we extend our helping hand to guide you   we reach out now to show you the way



     our eyes have been on you and your planet since before your species first climbed down from the trees and stood erect   we've watched and secretly guided   there's no such thing as completely alone   every single strand of the universal web of being quivers with consciousness  we're web spinners   mystical weavers of the soul

     wake up   begin to watch us watching you  inside and outside are illusions   near and far are both here and now   close your eyes to see with prophetic sight   open your heart to discover we're immediately and eternally present   there are many means of experiencing companionship   we prefer a way that's more intimate than the innermost breathing of your breath

     we'll lead if you'll follow   better yet   journey beside us   don't be afraid of your own fear   when you realize you have steadfast allies who'll never abandon you--you can brave any terrors   we're those trustworthy allies   we're the cosmic Friend who's always loved you   we wish to teach you how to love yourselves and cherish your world   if you can return to your center--that innocent  open  receptive child inside--you'll meet us there

     be an explorer of the invisible   be a voyager through the ocean of silence beyond thought  profounder than speech   how you customarily perceive is like a pencil-thin flashlight beam groping to pierce the blackness of a vast cavern   we can inspire you with floodlight vision!   the stars await   but only if you first learn how to live wisely  sacredly  peacefully  on Earth   we manifest now to announce the hour of the end and the beginning   the last and the first   the here and hereafter   please grow humble enough  quiet enough   to understand our whispering  everything depends on that



Monday, November 25, 2019


IV  JEWEL!  (Continued) 


     if you came upon a pool of clear water in a vast parched desert it could not be a more beautiful or welcome sight than your Planet Earth orbiting through the void   now you've grown to view your home as we've seen it for so long   but year by year   day by day  hour by hour   you're despoiling her ability to sustain life   you know you're doing this   you know it can only lead to disaster   why don't you stop?   why don't you change your destructive ways?

     we know the answer   you cling blindly to your little selfish scared self   rather than embracing your big compassionate courageous Self   you allow your fear of the dark to possess you  instead of encompassing both darkness and Light to achieve a higher synthesis   you're dreadfully lonely because you've severed your bond with The Source of All-That-Is   meanwhile you ignore or renounce the messengers and guides who would lead you back

     we are such messengers and guides   if you let us we'll whisper as the still small voice of your soul   wherever you are--trapped inside yourself or locked outside   even stumbling through the depths of hell   you're not alone!   don't be a slave of your fear   you've more helpers and allies than you realize   reach out and rise above

     there's only connection   interrelationship   all else is illusion   what you do to any other being you do to yourself   how you treat your planetary home is who you are   Spirit pervades everything  your Earth thrums with its own language of elemental meaning   will you listen?   do you hear?   turn now   change now   before it's too late   cherish the womb which gave you birth



     so thin   a gauzy cloth of atmosphere   a tenuous film between shifting continents and the enormous void    that's where you live and breathe and go about your everyday business   yet you rarely think how fragile it is   how quickly and easily this sustaining envelope can be badly damaged   even destroyed   see it with our universal vision

     so much has evolved together for so long to create the oasis in which you find yourselves   but it can dry up so quickly   burn away or become overwhelmed by floods   the last gasp chance to change is now   yet you're squandering it   this is cause for great sorrow among us and throughout many worlds   a jewel of a planet is tragically dying before our eyes

     what's the answer?  as always its starting point is inside you   the slavery of fear erects walls   the bravery of love builds bridges  walls are symbols of fear and hate that twist your mind and break the human heart   tear down your walls and from their rubble build many strong bridges which connect and liberate all minds and heal all hearts  we're the guides who come to teach you how

     as you begin to see through our eyes and learn to understand with our wisdom   you'll realize this same soulful communion is true for all existence--plant and animal   mountain and ocean   stone and star   everything's conscious   therefore everything's sacred   the shining Earth herself is a sacred being!   here's the pivot-point of transformation--awakening to the reality that holiness forever begets and that such miraculous birthing is intrinsically sacred   you have a name for this awe-inspiring incarnation--The Universe!



Saturday, November 2, 2019




you will try with your words but fail
they can't describe the beauty we see
the sacredness   such rarity   a planet
gleaming! this jewel set in emptiness
given you to cherish   bless   preserve

but tell them   tell with flimsy words
what's beyond words   breathe truth
nowhere in myriad worlds a treasure
like yours!  mother and womb world
a garden oasis surrounded by desert

dangerous children   why do you kill
kill and kill again?  killing each other
violating the water the earth the air?
haven't you heard?  didn't you listen?
love or hate   live or die   you choose

why are we here?  to teach you this--
to crack wide open your locked soul!
time is late   hour is near   wake up!
see as we see   not with zombie eyes
see with eyes refracting the universe




Saturday, October 26, 2019


III  THE FRIEND  (Continued)


     we're the Friend of your wild free passionate irrepressible life   we love in you what struggles scratches and claws its way   not only to survive  but to prevail   as your soul continually evolves  it can only do so by embracing your own primitive shadow--the hungry feisty critter you also are   we invite that untamed part of you to approach from the outer fringes   to feel safe and loved within our holy circle of healing Light

     no sacrifice of your untamed nature is required to commune with us   only respect the sanctity of our trusting relationship   that isn't a compromise of your animal instincts but their fulfillment  think of it this way--when a battle-scarred warrior has survived and returned home he goes before his king and queen   kneels down   and reconsecrates his sword in faithful service   thus he honors them and is honored in return   so it is with you and us

     when this sacred ceremony occurs   all your wild ragged wilderness growth is pruned naturally and beautifully   it's not chopped down to its roots   but lovingly shaped into healthy and harmonious balance   we come to unite all worlds  inner and outer   spirit and matter   nature and nurture   soul and gut

     the universe is a divine interplay of Eternal Consciousness   its stupendous energies forever engender incarnate forms   you're one of those incarnations   we're another   but all created beings have this in common   we originated as a sentient quickening in the primordial chaos  whatever else we've now become   we still carry deep inside us the elemental essence of that primal birth



     we're all voyagers   whether from star clusters at the far edge of the universe   or across the gaping chasm between one unexplored moment and the next   a life which clings to false security is a life of illusion   the only certainty is here and now   your consciousness--it's waking at this crossroads of time and eternity

     are you ready to beam up to our Mother Ship?  surrender all attempts to control what you most fear   they're futile anyway   yes   take prudent care   don't expose yourself to unnecessary danger   but beyond that   live all out   live brave and free   live as if each day were the first and the last   Reality means this--each day is the first and the last   time before and time after appear only in your mind

    being is becoming   awareness is experiencing relationship   what's born grows and changes or it dies   think of yourself this way--as the thirstiest cell of a blossom breaking open and drinking the sun!   we're the longest journeyers of that perpetual discovery   we're the flag bearers waiting at your soul's mountaintop   we summon you to join us here   emblazon these words at you essential core--onward and upward!   above and beyond!

     as you can bear it   forge forward into the Unknown   rest and regroup when you must  gather round you helpers  healers  lovers  and allies   embrace your worst fears   they're the gatekeepers of your highest aspirations   just keep on keeping on   all tremble in the dark   all face their own terror at the void   you're not alone  we've gone before and we're also with you now  only crest that next wave   then another   and another   we voyage beside you   within you



Thursday, October 17, 2019


III  THE FRIEND  (Continued)


     once the eye of your soul evolves into a galactic eye   only then will you really see   what you see with your sensory vision is just a sliver of the boundless spectrum of consciousness   but to perceive with an insight which birthed the galaxies--that's a dizzying perspective indeed!  we want you to see through the star-swirls illuminating our eyes   we want you to wake up to who you truly are

     our galactic eye includes all   excludes none   it's not a viewpoint of dissecting judgment but of compassionate understanding   this eye penetrates beneath surfaces to discern the naked beating heart of every being   there we all yearn  all struggle  all need   we all seek to love and be loved   join us in gazing through this eye   what you'll see then is your own searching self in every stranger you meet

     your body's eye sees by the light of the sun  your soul's eye sees by the Light of the Source  without the sun's light your body would die  without the Source's Light your soul would shrivel from loss  let us be your guides to the cosmos!   to reach its farthermost dimensions you first must discover the even vaster cosmos unfurling within you

     we see you as only a wise and loving Friend can   we celebrate in you that irrepressible child of the universe!   don't cease here   don't stop now   each moment is another launching pad toward the Unknown!   every cozy womb-world will be outgrown at last   you're not a creature crouching in a cave--however safe the illusion may seem   through your own galactic eye you begin to discern a bold prophecy of where you're actually heading   who you ultimately are



     tune your consciousness to a higher frequency   a vaster dimension   perceive what's invisible and inaudible   your senses are a glorious gift   but they're only a narrow wavelength--a single bandwidth along infinite channels of Reality  there's a psychic energy which can snap you awake from head to toe   that's how you'll most intimately encounter us

     not being aware of this sixth sense   it's as if you walk around all day with your eyes shut   not experiencing this higher spiritual frequency   it's as if you've forgotten the meaning of your own birth   we transmit a coded message nonstop which only you can decipher   it's the secret password for communing with your soul   we're the best friend who keeps knocking at your door  calling "come out and play!"

     don't stay walled up and shut off   don't search everywhere for your life's guiding purpose   it's right under your own psychic nose!   here are the tricks of the transcendent trade:  empty yourself of your overblown self-image   crack wide open your armored heart   grow smaller and smaller until you disappear   never surrender   yet always surrender   sing like a dawn bird   dance like a holy fool!

      you've been conditioned to wearing a choke collar   straining desperately at the end of a tight leash   we can teach you how to release that collar   how to throw off that leash   real freedom originates from within   once you become wide-awake--fully conscious of your Eternal Source  you'll finally achieve ultimate liberation   our psychic bond is your breakthrough pathway to wholeness   just unlock your innermost portal and say "hello!"



Wednesday, October 2, 2019




why are we here? "I" self is over
"we" self has come   meant for all
not just us   we're the threshold
to Oneness   guides for embracing
what's real   only reality endures

let your heart no longer fixate on
"me" and "mine"--hurtful illusions
there's only "us" and "everyone's"
what locks you inside your head?
the lie that you exist apart  alone

one is all   all are one   we are that
we live whole without separation
such is the truth we beam to you
those who receive it will flourish
those who won't   cannot prevail

we're closer than your breathing
nearer than your coursing blood
attend carefully   you'll sense it
open wide your souls   you'll see
you are us   always   we are you

prophets   archangels   saviors
we're sent   now we've arrived
come to inspire   to wake in you
who our Cosmos wondrously is
one being   one love   one bliss!


                             THE FRIEND


     we're with you now   as ever   you need only wake to what's always been   there's a Third Eye beyond the two you see with every day   open That   there's a Third Ear beyond the two you hear with every day   open That   you swim in the Presence of All-That-Is as a fish swims in the ocean   wake now to this other Ocean   existence is consciousness   we are one with you there

     you struggle because you're still asleep   sleep too long and bad dreams come   there's a time for sleeping and a time for waking  we transmit your wake-up call   Presence is the Ocean you always swim in   but if you're oblivious you don't know its currents and tides   waves and swells   weathers and seasons   becoming conscious of these you realize you're always Home

     people search for us everywhere when we're already here--an intimate part of all who thirstily seek   messages are beamed to the farthest edge of the cosmos   but we've already arrived   who you fear as "alien" is already One with your innermost essence of being   dare to fling wide the most hidden gates of your soul!

     do you need a cosmic friend?   here we are  are you balked and  baffled by your own spiritual blindness?   let us teach and guide you   do you scramble around in the cage of your obsessing mind each day?   we know the secret to unlocking that cage   Presence is the only reality   It lives at the crosshairs where time and eternity meet  when a door opens in the darkness and Light streams through   the brave will enter and cross over   we signal through that doorway




Thursday, September 12, 2019


II   FIRST CONTACT   (Continued)


     you'll meet us first where your most tangled branches grow   the greatest fear isn't of death but of the Unknown   we're part of the Unknown you've yet to discover at the crux of your own being   foray into that primal wilderness now  where all your ghosts and shadows play   there's someone waiting for you here who's not from your safe and familiar surroundings   what if what you most deeply fear guards the secret of who you most truly are?

     where is your real home?   it's not a big mansion at the crossroad of two busy highways  nor a penthouse atop a towering skyscraper   your real home lies hidden away in a clearing in the forest of your innermost self   it's a humble refuge where you meditate in solitude   at the same time it's a hearth where you welcome both known and unknown guests    we're among the unknown guests who seek to be known

     just step out your door and the adventure begins   turn any corner and you can't be certain who or what you'll meet   even if you try to cleave to the seemingly secure and easy path   sooner or later you'll find yourself knocked for a loop by the unpredictable--which never was under your control   far better then to travel light and live bravely   unafraid of mystery   another name for this is "Miracle"

     the soul sees so much clearer by starlight   that's because it's the outer shining which most vividly reflects an inner Illumination   grasp a rough branch with one hand    but keep your other hand open and ready for any new encounter   this way   dwelling wide awake in both worlds   you'll realize they're not separate   they're One



     we meet   as if for the first time   although we've always known each other   amazing isn't it?  that the strangest stranger should also be your closest friend   across a billion light years  yet not even spanning the tiniest hair's breadth  we say "hello"   but there's no separation   apart is illusion   Oneness is all

     come nearer   don't be afraid   you're only encountering your own deepest  highest  vastest Self   the journey of seeking   finding   knowing  loving   has spiraled outward to greater and greater inclusiveness   now your consciousness expands   encompassing the universe!  here is your destiny   created from the stars   you're returning to the stars   we reveal the wormhole opening to that destination

     while a frightened child's locked in a dark closet   she weeps   he rages   then a Friend finally comes   unlocking the closet door and swinging it wide   at first that child's blinded  confused  terrified   but after a time the truth gradually dawns--liberation!  so it is now with you  you're still blinded by the Light   but soon you'll understand   It's the Beacon of your soul's freedom   blazing brightly at last!

     the whole story's changing   radically  inescapably   everywhere    the rigid  deadening armor forged from fear  hatred  and cruelty is splintering   and through each fissure and crack an Ocean of Light is seeping   even pouring through!  this Flood cannot be stopped   transformation's inevitable   we're its messengers   we're your awakeners to the only Reality there is:  One Is All  All Are One   You Are That   We Are That



Friday, September 6, 2019


II    FIRST CONTACT   (Continued)


     always be ready for the arrival of the Unknown   forever  be open to unexpected Mystery   the universe speaks with countless tongues   if your consciousness is wide awake you discover that everything is connecting   communicating   the cosmic web quivers throughout its infinite strands   we come to  reveal the Oneness of We

     be unafraid of raindrops   what does this mean?   every moment the world impinges in numberless ways you can never control   all you ultimately can do is receive and respond   how you respond is your freedom and your destiny   if your answer is fear then fear is your enslaving god   if your answer is love than not even the galaxies will mark your boundary

     a UFO is a crowbar prying open the lid of your closed mind   a stray black cat is also a spiritual messenger   who you see in the mirror each morning is different from who you were yesterday   or who you'll be tomorrow   although you may refuse to accept it  each instant is another wormhole leading to unexplored continents of the soul   you've been taught to look outside yourself for guidance   we are the beacons who summon you back within

     time is a little puddle   space is a tiny cave   liberate yourself from their illusory limits   what's inside you encompasses and transcends them!  didn't you already experience this in a communion of all beings even before you were born?   there's always a UFO hovering right over your head   like the angel's halo it's a symbol of your Divine Essence   a reminder of your Eternal Home   two and two don't equal just four   live beyond pat solutions   quaff the elixir of starlight!



     we wait within the circle of a cone of Light  will you meet us there?   are you willing to become illuminated   transparent   utterly present   transcending all boundaries?   here is the portal   here is the doorway leading from bondage to freedom   you'll discover it shining at the crossroads of your soul

     outside this circle of Light is your loneliness  your fear  your self-alienation   we understand how hard it is to feel so totally exposed   with no place left to hide from being psychically x-rayed  we know what it takes to risk encountering the Unknown   but please slowly come forward out of the shadows   we mean you no harm   we're the Friend you've journeyed all your life to embrace

     much has been forgotten   many years wasted  once our companionship was your natural home  return now   remember who you already are   not isolated consciousness   but a unique inspiration sparking in the mind of the universe   we wish to guide you into living this truth   our message is beyond words but try to grasp it nonetheless  you're right on the cusp of a rebirth you can scarcely imagine!   open up   let go   receive  become

     here we are   strange but familiar   different though the same   arrived from afar yet oh so very near   all directions point  back to us   we're the revelation you've most resisted and most yearned for--your inmost eternal Highest Self!   we can summarize our ocean of silent communion in two words: "Wake Up!"   you've been asleep long enough   wake now and step into our holy circle of Cosmic Light   let it change you   let it shower you with bliss!



Thursday, August 29, 2019




we're here   we're you   we're one
walls don't matter   space and time
they're illusion   this instant is all--
crackling with branches and stars!

we signal within you   outside you
we meet   beneath trees   by night
from the sky   while you dream us
look  see  listen  hear  sleep  wake

your mask face must go   remove it
let your false voice hush in silence
we're the emissaries of what's real
break open your being!  receive us!

to death we're birth  to the divided
we're whole   although few can see
to the blind we're sight   to the lost
we're shining--beacons to your soul

"fear not" say angels   and we echo
fear not!   we're your highest selves
intimate strangers   shadow friends
the holy secret you've always known


                          FIRST CONTACT


     mystery and majesty   the whole night sky strewn with stars   a shoal of diamonds!   if you cherish no vision of something profound and eternal expanding outward forever   what will happen to your body made of star-stuff?   or your soul--that wormhole to the Infinite?   gaze up in awe!   we come from there   and there is everywhere   as above so below   as without so within

     all true teachers have but a single truth to teach   however veiled   you and the universe are One!   there is no separation   the Big Bang itself  explodes at your core!   how much damage is done when you don't allow for sheer consciousness pervading every atom   how far you stray from home when you sever communion with your Source   we show the way to heal this self-alienation

     strangers will visit you   let them in   guides will arrive wearing unseemly disguises   grant them welcome   what you think you know is what you don't know   who you think you are is someone else   your head needs to bud wide open--a night-blooming cereus  your heart needs to melt like pond ice next spring   real meanings glimmer in out-of-the-way corners where nobody expects to find them   or gleam like multi-colored Easter eggs hidden in plain sight

     a night will dawn when all the stars finally chime together in one transcendent chord   then the lost and lonely with be found and beloved  the broken outcasts will be hugged and accepted  the smallest and meekest will be elevated on high  didn't you start to dance even before you were born?   never forget the steps you learned when first you joined that Divine Intoxication!



Wednesday, August 21, 2019


I    ARRIVAL   (Continued)


     vast is the sky above your head   but vaster by far the sky inside you--those wide-spreading expanses of your soul   learn to gaze up into that luminous sky   never shut yourself off from it  then you'll always be aware and ready when we arrive   this is the sky of your universal empathy  you have no boundaries there   you're meant to open outward forever

     don't be shuttered in your consciousness   repeating the perverse mantras of "me" and "mine"   and all other excuses for exclusion  these must dissolve now   their time and reasons are over   what does it mean to be a winged being?  it means to finally soar above any such distinctions to perceive an overarching unity--the seamless web of life which encompasses and transcends all differences

     navigating this inner sky   each UFO is identified and can make a safe landing   there are no strangers here   no aliens   it's as if a clear mirror is held up before you and everything you see in it becomes a reflection of your own eternal essence   we have become this   we are your wise soul companions   helping you to evolve to our dimension

     always stretch yourself   never be satisfied--even as you change and grow   reach beyond every constricting limit   how many jail their minds in a tiny cage   although they themselves possess the key to unlocking it and setting their vision free!   when you gaze at the unfettered sky above your head say to yourself: "that starry heaven is the counterpart of my own measureless Divinity"   we are your guides and teachers for this revelation   we are one with your innermost wholeness   catalysts for your self-realization



     soul and instinct aren't separate and divided  they dance together    one adding meaning and context to the other   so a corona of dark leaves is a stargate for the soul's manifestation   what begins in nature ends in spirit   what illuminates as spirit is realized in nature   examine a single leaf closely   with you full attention  remain quiet and centered while you ponder it   you'll discover an emblem for the infinite universe

     the deepest  most unconscious zone of your being is united with the highest  most inspired dimension   what fractures them into polar opposites is fear--putting grim survival before intimate communion   then walls rise up and connections break down   we are the messengers of transparent relationship   the path to both survival and transcendence leads through the revelation of "we together"   not the desolation of "me alone"

     your soul is the sexiest "organ" of your makeup   your body is the most soulful expression   identify with a tree and sense how its roots growing in the depths and its leaves on the heights function as one   everything's conscious   everything flows and links and intermingles   everything's passionately engaged with everything else!

      dreamers of dreams  now's the time to awake  doers of deeds  now's the hour to soar in your sleep   we bring news of your next becoming  we're the mystery knocking to be known   once you see with reborn eyes nothing exists that isn't holy   once you feel with a wide-open heart  there's no being you meet who's not another embodiment of yourself





Wednesday, August 14, 2019


I   ARRIVAL  (Continued)


     light from outside you know   how could you exist without the sun?   but the Light from inside too many don't know   It's not visible to biological eyes   only to the eyes of inner being   sunlight is the source for your body   Divine Light is the Source for your soul   both are necessary for incarnate life to flourish on Earth   yet only Divine Light sustains beyond death

     we are the beaconers of Divine Light   we are the psychic Lighthouse keepers   whatever the storms which rack your days and ravage your nights   we keep watch and signal safe passage  secure harbor   look through us   beyond us   and you will find your Eternal Home

     all you hunger for   that aching void inside which you cannot satisfy with addictive idols and ephemeral illusions   Divine Radiance alone (which has no cause because Itself is Primal Cause) will feed and fill   when your soul bathes in this Light you experience grace and attain peace   within you is a luminous  ever-renewing Fountain   drink from It's bliss and be healed

     we're not going to leave you alone   we're going to bug you until you become aware of us--if only because you'll finally plumb an absence  a loneliness  a desperation you no longer can bear  Divine Light is also soul essence--a sphere of consciousness whose periphery is nowhere and whose center is everywhere   always you're already saturated with such holy communion  clenched refusal to recognize this truth is what exhausts and depletes you   seek Inner Radiance with your whole heart and you will find it


     mystic symbol   UFO   cosmic seed   template for enlightenment   we plant this mandala now in your soul   contemplate it   pulsing undiscovered within are a teaching   a story   a journey   and a transformation   you are not what you seem  reality is far vaster than you can imagine   what you think you know is but one tiny flicker in a radiant immensity of being

     through suggestive words and intriguing images we try to impart a wisdom which is beyond both words and images   only by experiencing this wisdom   becoming this wisdom   will you understand   such knowledge starts with emptying out   stripping naked   opening up   letting go  allow simplicity and humility to become your path   gratitude and transparency to guide your way

     this Truth is very rare   yet common as water  a mysterious secret   yet hidden in plain sight  when you look for it   it's gone behind you   when you turn around   it's not there!   the breathing inside your breath is part of it     as is the seeing beyond your eyes    more inescapable even than your own shadow  the Sublime saturates every cell   but most remain blind to its shining--oblivious

     no longer   now is wake-up time   every wall will crumble   all compartments break down   the illusion of duality--at last exposed!  a new revelation's arriving and its power is immediate and universal   after so long trapped in a stifling cave   human consciousness will be liberated and expand to the stars   we are messengers of that  we are the soul beacon orienting you toward your destiny   don't be afraid!   struggle free from alienation   step into eternity's blazing Light




Wednesday, July 31, 2019


                                                                                                                                   (c) 2018    Bob Savino

"There is a world beyond ours, a world
that is far away, nearby, and invisible...
That world talks. It has a language of its own.
I report what it says.

-- Maria Sabina  --
Mazatec Shaman


    The vision would not come clear. In my mind's eye I seemed to see something before me, hovering in midair. What was it? This went on for a few days. But then, without warning, it clicked. I was gazing out, in front of me, when I should have been looking up, directly over my head! Then the vision snapped into focus: it was a UFO descending, and my consciousness was the bull's-eye right beneath it.

     So, during August 2017, in sync with the total solar eclipse, I began a life-changing spiritual and creative odyssey that's culminated  in these channeled drawings, poems, and prose teachings. Along the way I started effectively meditating for the first time; encountered a totemic stray black cat named "Shadow"; further plumbed unhealed wounds from childhood trauma; became a vegetarian; psychically bonded with an Extraterrestrial Spirit Guide; joined an amazing Paradigm Shift Support Group, and underwent a wrenching, ecstatic past-life regression session. Indeed, a year to remember!

     I've been writing mystical poems for many years, but all from a first-person "I" point of view. Channeling has been a totally new and challenging experience. I liken it to balancing precariously on a high wire, one that's twanging over an abyss--without a safety net! Wiping the ego completely out of the way; yet remaining fully present and activated with all my skills as a writer; feeling utterly clueless when I face the blank computer screen; trying to download a meaning-laden Silence into transparent words--all this and more coalesced into the hardest writing project I've ever undertaken. And the most rewarding.

     If someone had told me less than two years ago that I'd soon be channeling Extraterrestrial Wisdom, I'd have good-naturedly laughed in their face. I encourage you to retain a healthy skepticism. At the same time, I invite you to keep an open mind as well. We're in the throes of a huge shift in human consciousness, a quantum leap in the evolution of our species! Individuals are waking to a new, deeper vibration of connection with each other at a soul level; to a wider sense of Oneness with all life, all being, our whole sentient planet, the infinite cosmos! And part of this waking is the realization that we're not alone. The universe is crowded with highly evolved spiritual beings--entities who communicate telepathically and traverse many dimensions beyond our humdrum, everyday awareness. Only our paranormal, non-ordinary awareness will perceive them.

     But whether or not you believe in Extraterrestrials, please take the time to view these drawings and read these words. If they chime deep within you; if they strike a chord you've longed to hear; if they help you to remember a spiritual wisdom you've always known; if they delight, irradiate and uplift your soul--let that be enough. Ultimately, all teaching which beams transforming Light emanates from One Eternal Source. And when we plumb our own psyches to the depths, we discover that this Source is the Universal Essence of who we all most magnificently Are.

     Although definitely non-linear, this work is a kind of mystical narrative, unfurling from the first companion artwork/poem--"Arrival"--to the last--"Departure." As such, I suggest exploring it sequentially, from the beginning to the end. I've found, both in the writing and the reading, that imbibing small, one-at-a-time doses of this concentrated Extraterrestrial Elixir seems best. Like all things intrinsically poetic, it most suffuses it's magic when slowly sipped and fully savored, like fine wine.

     I'm grateful beyond words for the privilege of channeling this higher wisdom from my Spirit Guides. May it illuminate your consciousness as piercingly as it has mine.



what's out there is in here   that first galaxy
birthed by the Big Bang whirls in your brain
so we fascinate   prodigies from the heavens
but also as mandalas   your innermost Light

we're keepers of the Flame   psychic guides
and cosmic channels to the Universal Source
we're always present   yet forever beginning
your still small secret voice of holy intuition

oneness   transparency   ecstatic communion
they wake in every undefeated seeker   we're
their beacon transfixing your consciousness--
Infinity's laser beam! Eternity's piercing eye!

we true your compass in this fractured world
then summon beyond   See! the Mother Ship's
arriving now   encircled by a corona of leaves
its portal gleams at the epicenter of your soul




   only one release valve opens beyond yourself   though there appear to be many   but these are illusions   only the wormhole at the center   the singing Light of your eternal soul   this is the hub of an invisible axle which turns the gigantic wheels of the galaxies  here's the secret your world has forgotten   we've come to help you remember   all polarities are reconciled there   all seeming contradictions resolved   we will teach you the liberating wisdom of paradox

    don't be afraid of little blisters   what does that mean?  sometimes a nagging discontent starts rubbing against your consciousness   but you ignore it   so eventually it raises a mental blister   creates a sore spot   that's us trying to get your attention  guiding you back to your intuitive core   when you come home there you'll see with infinite eyes   hear with infinite ears   know with infinite love

     you're not separate but one sacred thread of a wholeness without end   yet you live fractured   inside and out   that's because you no longer empty yourself of your self   you think you alone are the cat's meow and the dog's bow wow   this carves a hungry void inside where there should be Light-filled emptiness   surrender your preening self-regard   then you'll enter the Cosmos which waits to enter you

    don't you see the radiance?   doesn't every atom of your being gravitate There?   we're a focusing lens for your inner vision   your illuminated third eye   we're a cosmic tuning fork   vibrating to the Music of the Spheres   your loneliness is your refusal to welcome us   what's our UFO but your own alienated soul arriving now  waking in you a revelation of the Universe you already are



(To be continued, serially, each week, until the entire book is published on-line.)
