Friday, September 6, 2019


II    FIRST CONTACT   (Continued)


     always be ready for the arrival of the Unknown   forever  be open to unexpected Mystery   the universe speaks with countless tongues   if your consciousness is wide awake you discover that everything is connecting   communicating   the cosmic web quivers throughout its infinite strands   we come to  reveal the Oneness of We

     be unafraid of raindrops   what does this mean?   every moment the world impinges in numberless ways you can never control   all you ultimately can do is receive and respond   how you respond is your freedom and your destiny   if your answer is fear then fear is your enslaving god   if your answer is love than not even the galaxies will mark your boundary

     a UFO is a crowbar prying open the lid of your closed mind   a stray black cat is also a spiritual messenger   who you see in the mirror each morning is different from who you were yesterday   or who you'll be tomorrow   although you may refuse to accept it  each instant is another wormhole leading to unexplored continents of the soul   you've been taught to look outside yourself for guidance   we are the beacons who summon you back within

     time is a little puddle   space is a tiny cave   liberate yourself from their illusory limits   what's inside you encompasses and transcends them!  didn't you already experience this in a communion of all beings even before you were born?   there's always a UFO hovering right over your head   like the angel's halo it's a symbol of your Divine Essence   a reminder of your Eternal Home   two and two don't equal just four   live beyond pat solutions   quaff the elixir of starlight!



     we wait within the circle of a cone of Light  will you meet us there?   are you willing to become illuminated   transparent   utterly present   transcending all boundaries?   here is the portal   here is the doorway leading from bondage to freedom   you'll discover it shining at the crossroads of your soul

     outside this circle of Light is your loneliness  your fear  your self-alienation   we understand how hard it is to feel so totally exposed   with no place left to hide from being psychically x-rayed  we know what it takes to risk encountering the Unknown   but please slowly come forward out of the shadows   we mean you no harm   we're the Friend you've journeyed all your life to embrace

     much has been forgotten   many years wasted  once our companionship was your natural home  return now   remember who you already are   not isolated consciousness   but a unique inspiration sparking in the mind of the universe   we wish to guide you into living this truth   our message is beyond words but try to grasp it nonetheless  you're right on the cusp of a rebirth you can scarcely imagine!   open up   let go   receive  become

     here we are   strange but familiar   different though the same   arrived from afar yet oh so very near   all directions point  back to us   we're the revelation you've most resisted and most yearned for--your inmost eternal Highest Self!   we can summarize our ocean of silent communion in two words: "Wake Up!"   you've been asleep long enough   wake now and step into our holy circle of Cosmic Light   let it change you   let it shower you with bliss!



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