Saturday, October 26, 2019


III  THE FRIEND  (Continued)


     we're the Friend of your wild free passionate irrepressible life   we love in you what struggles scratches and claws its way   not only to survive  but to prevail   as your soul continually evolves  it can only do so by embracing your own primitive shadow--the hungry feisty critter you also are   we invite that untamed part of you to approach from the outer fringes   to feel safe and loved within our holy circle of healing Light

     no sacrifice of your untamed nature is required to commune with us   only respect the sanctity of our trusting relationship   that isn't a compromise of your animal instincts but their fulfillment  think of it this way--when a battle-scarred warrior has survived and returned home he goes before his king and queen   kneels down   and reconsecrates his sword in faithful service   thus he honors them and is honored in return   so it is with you and us

     when this sacred ceremony occurs   all your wild ragged wilderness growth is pruned naturally and beautifully   it's not chopped down to its roots   but lovingly shaped into healthy and harmonious balance   we come to unite all worlds  inner and outer   spirit and matter   nature and nurture   soul and gut

     the universe is a divine interplay of Eternal Consciousness   its stupendous energies forever engender incarnate forms   you're one of those incarnations   we're another   but all created beings have this in common   we originated as a sentient quickening in the primordial chaos  whatever else we've now become   we still carry deep inside us the elemental essence of that primal birth



     we're all voyagers   whether from star clusters at the far edge of the universe   or across the gaping chasm between one unexplored moment and the next   a life which clings to false security is a life of illusion   the only certainty is here and now   your consciousness--it's waking at this crossroads of time and eternity

     are you ready to beam up to our Mother Ship?  surrender all attempts to control what you most fear   they're futile anyway   yes   take prudent care   don't expose yourself to unnecessary danger   but beyond that   live all out   live brave and free   live as if each day were the first and the last   Reality means this--each day is the first and the last   time before and time after appear only in your mind

    being is becoming   awareness is experiencing relationship   what's born grows and changes or it dies   think of yourself this way--as the thirstiest cell of a blossom breaking open and drinking the sun!   we're the longest journeyers of that perpetual discovery   we're the flag bearers waiting at your soul's mountaintop   we summon you to join us here   emblazon these words at you essential core--onward and upward!   above and beyond!

     as you can bear it   forge forward into the Unknown   rest and regroup when you must  gather round you helpers  healers  lovers  and allies   embrace your worst fears   they're the gatekeepers of your highest aspirations   just keep on keeping on   all tremble in the dark   all face their own terror at the void   you're not alone  we've gone before and we're also with you now  only crest that next wave   then another   and another   we voyage beside you   within you



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